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"A Serious Message" bumpie


Your adoration of a pseudonymous English percussionist might have you stuffing envelopes with letters and maybe even posting creates with large oil-painted portraits of this beloved timekeeper. But wait! This elder drummer simply can't take anymore! He's wielded his last felt-tipped pen and struck his final signature. Mr. Starkey's Sharpies have run dry. He cannot reply. Please, no new fan mail!

We've packed this famous address into 34-1/2 square inches, and it's still impossible to read when stopped behind a bumper sporting it in traffic. Even at a really long stoplight on a hideous American stroad.

They're silkscreen printed for durability, UV protection and a look that says, "Wow, that's thick ink." The easy-to-peel backing is pre-scored. Measuring 3"x11.5" overall.